Welcome to missbabysol.com! My name is Amy, but I go by the name of Baby Sol. I believe that everything has been provided to us but we just need to be brave to explore these gifts.
No one is brave enough to put sperm on their faces, but those who do are living testament that it’s like finding the fountain of youth. I have been doing this for 10 years and I never went back to regular facial masks which most of the time just ruin my skin. It was just a crazy idea that I tried after sharing an intimate moment with my boyfriend, where it all started. The next morning, I noticed that my skin was glowing unlike never before. Since then, I ditched all my expensive skincare products and never looked back.
I would like to educate as many people as possible to be more skeptical, brave, and open when it comes to these natural beauty products instead of the ones which are made from harmful chemicals. missbabysol.com gives you tips and tricks to keep you looking great.
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Baby Sol